The place where I staying, is somewhere in this picture.
My latest adventure has found me in Toronto, where I am involved in a work externship with the wonderful team at Oolagen, a youth mental health service that is influenced by Narrative ideas, not only in working with the people who consult them, but also in how the organisation is run. I have not been able to post much in the past, particularly due to recent busyness in my role as a manager in my organisation.
Since I have slightly more time to reflect on practices, will take a bit more effort to document my adventures here!
One interesting experience I had here was when my landlady, Jane Martin (who's really a very nice lady), brought me along to a Neighbourhood committee meeting, where members of the small community of Winchester were meeting to discuss concerns about the presence of drug related activities in the nearby rooming houses. Pretty impressed about how the community did not practice a NIMBY (Not in my back yard) mentality and instead were keen on discussing ways to ensure that the programmes conducted for residents were appropriately done. They were also keen to be involved in supporting the individuals and families there.
Will update more soon...
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